Stage fright: how can I overcome it? This is the key question for those who panic just at the thought of having to speak in public, as happened to me in the past.
The answer to this question is simple but also a bit complicated.
The simple recipe is: if you are afraid to speak in front of an audience, all you have to do is do it!
There is no trick, shortcut or escape route.
You must do it, whether at a work meeting, a birthday, a wedding or a public speaking workshop. It's simple: you just have to take advantage of every occasion, and if you open your eyes, there are plenty of them in everyday life.
Now comes the tricky part: you also need the ingredients to give a speech that impresses, whether prepared or improvised.
These ingredients are the technique: the language you choose, the structure of your story, your voice, your body language. This technique can always be improved, even the best speakers find small details that they can change in their next speech. But the important thing is to do it!
If you would like to learn this technique that will give you the confidence to dominate the stage, send me an email to wolfgang@freeyourvoice.es or contact me by phone or WhatsApp at +34677388030.
You will see that your stage fright will soon be a thing of the past.